School PE

We believe passionately about giving children the freedom to express themselves and enjoy their PE lessons and above all learning at the same time. All sessions will be fun with a learning outcome. We create an environment which encourages all children to develop and grow in confidence.

Breakfast and After-school Clubs

Breakfast and After School Clubs offer a great opportunity for children to participate in extra sporting activities. Benefits to your school include having the provisions in place to help parents balance their work and family commitments. Whilst providing children with a broader range of sporting activities and experiences that encourage a healthier lifestyle

Half-term Holiday Camps

Our Half-term holiday camps run every half term at various indoor and outdoor facilities around Yorkshire. Holiday camps are designed with both girls and boys in mind and provide children with the opportunity to experience multi-sports such as Football, Rugby, Cricket, Basketball, Dodgeball, Tennis, Handball, Dance, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Street dance, Team building activities and much more!
Our half-term holiday camps provide fun, exercise and learning through skills and games. This helps to improve children’s confidence whilst enabling them to make new friends along the way!

Teacher CPD

We can educate and inspire your current teaching staff on how to deliver a PE session to achieve maximum impact. In addition detailed session plans and ongoing CPD depending on needs analysis of your school are also available.

Tournaments, Inter School Competitions, Health Weeks and Sports Days

We can organise school tournaments internally or externally and give children the chance to compete with and against one another. Our coaching team can provide support to your school and teaching staff with all other sports related events. Such as Sports day’s and health weeks etc

Schools Sports Funding Assistance

We have a team of bid writers that can assist your school in accessing relevant sports funding.